Monday, 12 October 2009

Winter at St Cassien

Jones and Lucas are spending this winter at one of the greatest carp lakes there has been - Lac de St Cassien. Between us we've amassed over twenty years of non commercial carping experience in France alone, this includes sessions that have lasted six months and other countries include Holland, Belgium and of course England. Through this blog we'll be sharing the ins, the outs, and the general ups and downs of long session fishing.

Our session starts in November lasting three to four months at Cassien, and as with the rest of our fishing, this will be done without the help of sponsorship from tackle manufacturers and bait companies.

First post will be up early November.


  1. It's about time you got off your back you lazy shit.
    Have a good winter!!

  2. When are we starting lads, we soon to be wetting he lines?

  3. Hello, Obviously got the address of your blog, I will be keeping a keen eye on you both, good luck I will give you a call in a week or so, Mouse has played hide the tiger in my shed, redistributed 1kg tigers and ¼ sack hemp, just hid the tigers and ate 3 rod butts, 1 aqua biv, 1 rod bag, landing net and new floatation suit, it will die soon. Went over the Cons in week (blanked) and showered the bank with dry tigers and hemp when I opened the biv up, probably get a ban now for not soaking nuts.
    Speak soon, good luck to you both, Jason.
