Wednesday 3 February 2010


Good evening fellow blogglegums.

Carpin's crap kids. Don't do it, its not big and its not not clever. Don't be a Zammo, just say no! But just incase you still want be as daft as us, here's some homework

Carper's French Lesson 3.

Lake - lac
Pond - etang - eton
Dam - barrage - baraj
Reservoir - reservoir
River - riviere - ree-vee-air

Depth - profondeur - profonder
Bar - plateaux
Hole - trou
Gully - gully - goo-lee
Rock - roche - rosh
Gravel - gravier - gravyeh
Stones - caillou - ki-ou
Silt - vasse - vaz
Sand - sable - saab

See you soon

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